Motion projects

some of my recent motion projects

Showreel - 2023
IK - out-of-home explainer
Chemistry surrounds you
BME Szent-Györgyi Albert Szakko.
Showreel - 2020
Málta30 - image movie
Hungarian Charity Service Malta
HellOAlu - case study animation
Durex - case study animation
Saving in the kitchen - explainer
Felelős Gasztrohős
Why What You Eat Matters – explainer
Felelős Gasztrohős
Quica - Spot

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Design projects

some of my older design projects

Wine labels 2019-2021
Dynamo Pricing - rebranding
Mokra - investment fund branding
Archidetect branding
Matyó coloring book
Instant hike challange branding
Dolfoart - Danube collection
Hungary tourism identity - B
Dolfoart - Sepia collection